PLC Communication

PLC Communication

Power Line Carrier (PLC) Communication uses the already existing power distribution lines and wires for data transmission. ModemTec’s modems enable this type of communication over medium or low voltage power lines.

What is PLC Communication?

PLC (Power Line Carrier) Communication technology uses power distribution lines and wires for data transmission. This technology does not require any special cables.

Data transmissions over medium voltage power lines allow remote control of transformer stations, command switching elements in a system, or serve as a general transmission channel for customer needs.

Advantages of PLC Communication

  • Easy installation – no need to install additional cables, antennas, or wireless transmitters
  • Own communication channel – reliable, stable, and secure network without fees and restrictions
  • Independence from mobile operators – no need for signal coverage and third party dependency

PLC modems


Medium Voltage Lines

Modems operating on power lines up to 22 kV (35 kV) with extraordinary communication distance 10-50 km.

PLC modem MT49R

Low Voltage Lines

Single-phase modem operating on any power lines up to 1 000 V with communication distance up to 5 000 m.

PLC modem MT34R

Low Voltage Lines

Three-phase modem operating on low voltage power lines with advanced DSP algorithms and error-correction codes.

Interested in our PLC modems?