
New measurement standards: Higher harmonics in the grid

New Measurement Standards: Higher Harmonics in the Grid

The situation on the low voltage grid has significantly changed over the past few years. This comes as a result of the arrival of new appliances – lights, electronics with switched-mode power supplies – and due to the changes at supply/generator sites. Power Supplies – a lot of Small Players In the past, big generators […]

Power systems – waiting for darkness

Power Systems – Waiting for Darkness

Power systems in Central Europe are systematically facing critical situations. An enormous power market deformation (public subsidies of renewable sources, import of cheap coal from the USA due to shale gas usage) is leading to many negative impacts. Modern gas and coal power sources as well as (surprisingly) nuclear reactors are often beyond the line […]

Interoperability? OFDM? Forget about it (for now)

Interoperability? OFDM? Forget about it (for now)

In comparison with the situation in the recent past, today’s power engineering faces new situations. In the mature world, power is promoted as one of the basic human needs. Normal societal behaviour cannot be ensured without electricity. The politics of CO2 emissions reductions and significant financial support for renewable resources is leading to their massive […]

Smart Metering is dead, long live Smart Grids

Smart Metering Is Dead, Long Live Smart Grids

Does it make sense to talk about the darkness of Smart Metering, while there is a plenty of roll-outs within the Europe and world realized nowadays? With deployment of large projects at Spain, France, or Great Britain, where is the retreat from the stage? What are the changes in power industry? Many could be surprised […]